Friday, April 12, 2013


"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.” - Hippocrates

For years I have studied many forms of alternative treatment and healing modalities, but it was about eight years ago that I discovered a technique, developed by Gary Craig, that streamlined many of the modalities I studied and used. Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT (quite often called Tapping), is by far one of these most important advances in years and draws on ancient wisdom, namely acupuncture, and the more modern techniques of Applied Kinesiology and TFT (Thought Field Therapy). It addresses the root cause of disruption within the body's energy system, by tapping, yes literally tapping with fingertips on the body's meridian points, while concentrating on an issue you would like to resolve. It is a succinct, easy to learn and most importantly, extremely valuable tool. EFT is effective for many challenges: reducing pain, stress and negative emotions; dealing with anxiety disorders, phobias and PTSD; and maximizing self-development by increasing confidence, implementing positive actions and changing or adding healthy habits. So how does this work?


EFT states that "all negative emotions are felt through a disruption in the body's energy system." Albert Einstein said, everything is energy and our bodies are no exception. The Chinese called this energy Chi and discovered that Chi flows throughout the body via channels called meridians. They mapped out over 100 meridian points and discovered that by stimulating these points, (by using needles); the energy disruption could be addressed, restoring balance, thereby resolving physical and emotional issues. Tapping draws on this wisdom, but does not require the use of needles or the exact, precise knowledge of all the meridian points. Gary Craig developed EFT with the intention that anyone could learn to use it, that it is simple and painless and ultimately results would be achieved. I use Tapping in my coaching practice both as a standalone treatment for pain, phobias, anxiety and PTSD to name a few, and in conjunction with Life Coaching. When combined with the awareness building and powerful questions associated with the coaching process, the client is able to access self-limiting beliefs, painful memories and stress and anxiety patterns. We then use Tapping to restore balance and ultimately re-establish "energy" around their goals and the changes they wish to make. Pain, negative thoughts and habitual response fall away and new choices and actions are easier. The exciting thing is that the client is then able to continue to use Tapping on their own and in-between sessions to address issues as they arise.


I use this technique and share it with everyone I know as my own personal experience with Tapping, as well as the results obtained by my clients, have made my "convincers" very strong. Tapping draws critics and skeptics and it has often been overlooked as strange or as a side-show method, but as the subjective evidence mounts so too does the "legitimate" and objective research; research demonstrating the effect tapping has on the brain, nervous system and hormones and it is essentially proving what those who have used it have always known, it works.

EFT is able to improve and even eradicate conditions that conventional treatments, medication and psychotherapy are often challenged to deal with. The results are often immediate, profound and sustained and many people have learned how to use this technique on themselves for physical pain, illness or emotional issues. Those of us who use EFT in a therapeutic setting have in our arsenal, additional tools and techniques that can help to maximize or shift the more challenging situations.  Using EFT with Life Coaching encourages transformations to happen more quickly, with greater ease and with lasting results. Sound too good to be true?  Well, even if you tend to be a bit cynical about these sorts of processes, that is okay. EFT has a built in testing system. Testing is desired. Finding proof is desired. So, you can see and feel the proof for yourself! Please go to my website -  read about it, follow the links and learn more about this revolutionary system. If you would like to book a complimentary session to experience EFT for yourself, please contact me.

Stay tuned to my blog for more articles and information regarding Tapping and how you can use it to improve every facet of your life. A good place to start is to watch the following video.

This video is  Gary Craig explaining EFT, as well as testimonials and information from people who have had amazing results. Enjoy! If you have any trouble watching the video please go to You Tube and paste this link directly into the search bar.

Emotional Freedom Technique is not meant to replace the advice and treatment from your physician. Individual experiences and results vary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After reading your blog, watching the video and experienced EFT firsthand I am glad other people have the opportunity to use this great tool, Thanks Shawna for showing us that we can make a remarkable difference in our lives just by tapping.