Monday, May 04, 2015



Sometimes in the search of growth and purpose and understanding we become confused between becoming and boundaries. We try to accommodate poor behavior by recognizing it as a lesson for us - we ask what we can learn, try to put ourselves in the the other person's shoes. Maybe we minimize how we feel, sympathize and empathize to put up with why someone would behave, that way. But there is a time and a place to want what you want and need what you need and say yes or no as you desire. There is a time to redefine the always nice, higher thinking and evolved living. There is a time to take a break from always getting it, learning from it and growing. There is a time when you do not need to reach a new level, obtain some nugget or learn the lesson. There is a time when there does not need to be a reason, a season or a meaning. There is a time when all will not reveal itself or be as it should be. That time is whenever or wherever you feel you are being denied. When you are getting shoved around, moved around or brought down. That time is when you are playing smaller, breathing shallower and feeling hallow. That time is when you have spent the wise, tried the nice, organized the mind and yet you are not being valued or handled with care. When you say to yourself, "I would never treat you, speak to you and be with you that way. I would apologize, not rationalize. I would empathize, not fictionalize. I would explain the why, not deny." 


You are done. Boundary drawn. Lesson learned – you will be nice to you, holding yourself in high esteem – this is evolved and you have got it, learned it and grown it. You have reached your season and found your meaning and you are as you should be. 

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